What about my health?

Trauma, Anniversaries and Triggers

Anniversary reactions are a real and common phenomenon. Triggers are real. They are the annual echo of trauma.

Regardless of what happened, the anniversary reaction is at a specific time, with invested emotions, and can be truly distressing. Reactions themselves are as varied as the people experiencing them.

Sometimes the mind remembers unconsciously, and a psychological reaction—like a spike in depression or PTSD —can be triggered by weather, light, and other seasonal reminders like the first signs of spring.

Go to the Help Pages for more information.

Survivor Reactions

Most traumatic events have a degree of randomness about the way they occur. Natural disasters, transport accidents, criminal incidents and other events occur without a particular relationship to the individuals involved.

When some people die or are injured, survival may depend on being prepared, past training, experience or fast reactions. For most people however, survival can depend on just where they happened to be in relation to the danger. Surviving and being physically unharmed does not mean a person is unharmed emotionally. Survival is often associated with complex emotional reactions which cause distress and make it hard to resume life af90ter the event. A DHHS clinician article is reproduced in the HELP PAGES and may be helpful.

A final word

You may now feel that your path to recovery is at an end or very close. You have learned much on the way. You may have been a different person way back then. You will know how important all fire prevention advice is and may have already implemented most of it.

Remember your fire safe from Bunnings - First Alert Fire Safe and Waterproof Protection Chest under $100. Place it where you can grab it easily. Create what Scott Pape calls "The Fearless Folder" and put the listed documents into folders and into the safe. .

Rest easy.